I think the testosterone in me came out this past weekend.
K and I were continuing our demo project at our house by removing some of the tile the previous home owner thought would look great as part of the fireplace mantle. While K did most of the heavy-duty work (as in carrying a heavy tool on a 10-ft ladder with a chisel tip that kept flying off lol), I would substitute in with the hammer and handheld chisel during his break time.
I felt so accomplished when one stubborn tile came off, but was met with instant regret as that stubborn tile decided to reward me with a gnarly cut in my arm. I don’t recall any pain, but K thinks I was just in shock.
As I rinsed off the blood in the kitchen sink, I could see how deep the cut was and instantly asked K to go to CVS; not urgent care 🫣. I thought a few butterfly bandages and some hydrocolloid bandaids (my original bandage-bff) would do the trick, but that didn’t cut-it. Pun intended.
K seemed pretty confident I needed stitches, but enter here T’s testosterone.
I didn’t think I needed stitches because it didn’t seem THAT bad…
After spending some time on Google and Amazon, I came across these Stitchless Wound Closures and purchased these right away. I even purchased 2 boxes to get same-day delivery (thank you, Amazon).
I slapped that bad boy on as soon as it came in and asked K to zip those tiny cables ties up!
It’s been about 24 hours, and the wound is definitely not open and looks so much better than before. It saved me a trip to urgent care.
I highly recommend keeping these in your household for emergencies for those wounds that need a little more than just a bandaid.